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 Our funding


CRC1700: Collaborative Research Centre 1700
Immune Regulation in the Liver: from Homeostasis to Disease

04/25 - 12/28, 370K EUR



Postdoctoral fellowship from Peter und Traudl Engelhorn Stiftung to Dr. Zoe Chervontseva

06/25 - 04/27

Developing a Pan-Tissue and Pan-Species Atlas of Age-Related RNA Splicing Changes to Inform Aging Mechanotyping


ProBone, German Research Foundation

04/24 - 03/27, ca. 6M EUR, co-PI, my share: ca. 461K EUR

Precision Medicine for Early-Onset Low Bone Mineral Density Disorders


CVDLink, Horizon Europe

01/24 - 12/27, ca 9.7M EUR, our share: ca. 650K EUR

A federated paradigm of real-world data sources utilization for the empowerment of diagnosis, prognosis and risk assessment of cardiovascular conditions


Circulating biomolecules, House of Computing and Data Science

10/23 - 09/26 , ca. 300K EUR, our share: ca. 100K EUR

Advanced mathematical solutions for circulating cardiovascular biomolecules


Henriette-Herz-Scout, Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung

06/23 – 05/26 , 3 Postdocs (1-2y) with Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, value: ca. 332K EUR



PoSyMed, German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, 
Computational Life Sciences initiative

03/23 - 02/26, ca. 1M EUR, coordinator, our share: 425K EUR

Population Systems Medicine for De Novo Mechanotyping of Complex Diseases


DrugSiderAI, German Federal Ministry of Education and Research

03/23 - 02/26, ca. 1.1M EUR, co-PI, our share: 315K EUR

AI-based methods for synergistic exploration of disease symptoms and drug side effects


RePO4EU, Horizon Europe

09/22 - 08/27 , ca. 25M EUR, co-PI, our share: 462K EUR

REPO4EU’s ultimate goal is to host and grow a EU industry-level online platform for validated precision drug repurposing with a global reach. This platform will operate as a data hub for key information, training resources, matchmaking and collaboration in drug repurposing. Web:


ASPIRE, German Federal Ministry of Education and Research

01/22 - 12/24, ca. 770K EUR, co-PI, our share ca. 300K EUR

Alternative splicing driven host mechanism alteration after viral infection for drug repurposing prediction


FeMAI, German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Joint Franco-German research program

07/21 - 06/25, ca. 400K EUR, coordinator, our share ca. 200K EUR

Federated medical artificial intelligence on gut microbiomes


DIGI TYPE, Center for Digitalization in Bavaria, Research Fellowship for Olga Lazareva

1/20 - 12/22, ca. 282K EUR, host PI, our share: ca. 282K EUR



SyMBoD, German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, eMed Systems Medicine initiative

07/19 - 11/24, ca. 4.8M EUR, co-PI, our share: ca. 575K EUR

Systems Medicine Investigation of Bone Defect Treatment in Patients Comorbid with Type-2 Diabetes.



German Research Foundation, Scientific Instrumentation and Information Technology

04/19, ca. 125K EUR, coordinator, our share: 125K EUR

High-performance computing infrastructure for big data in systems medicine


H2020, FeatureCloud

01/19 - 12/23, ca. 4.6M EUR, coordinator, our share: ca. 1.4M EUR

Privacy-aware artificial intelligence in biomedicine - FeatureCloud is a novel artificial intelligence platform, based on a ground-breaking new cloud infrastructure to globally integrate local AI without the need for any exchange of medical primary data – totally anonymous by default. Web:


H2020, REPO-Trial

02/18 - 01/24, ca. 5.5M EUR, co-PI, our share: ca. 742K EUR

ersonalized drug repurposing. - REPO-TRIAL aims at developing an in silico approach to optimize the efficacy and precision of drug repurposing trials. Web:


ODEx(TM) lighthouse project

01/17 - 01/20, coordinator, ca. 300K EUR

Open Data Experimentarium at SDU: Development of an Open Biogas Platform based on volatile organic compound screening.


Carlsberg Foundation

12/14, coordinator, ca. 50K EUR

Purchase of an ion mobility spectrometer (IMS) coupled to multi-capillary columns (MCC-IMS) for breath gas analysis.


Villum Foundation Blokstipendir

07/12 - 06/14, coordinator, ca. 200K EUR

Postdoc grant for integrating biomedical networks with multiple OMICS data sets.



10/24 - 09/28, ca. 360K EUR



HealthDatiPlatform, German Federal Ministry of Education and Research 

10/24 - 03/26, ca. 300K EUR, coordinator, my share: ca. 150K EUR

Federated edge learning HealthPod


dAIbetes, Horizon Europe

01/24 - 12/28, ca 10M EUR, coordinator, our share: ca. 2M EUR

Federated virtual twins for privacy-preserving personalised outcome prediction of type 2 diabetes treatment


dehaze, German Federal Ministry of Education and Research

10/23 - 09/24, ca. 100K EUR, coordinator, our share: ca. 100K EUR

Ein medizinischer KI Marktplatz


FLIGHT, House of Computing and Data Science

10/23 - 09/26 , ca. 300K EUR, our share: ca. 150K EUR

Federated Learning-Guided digital Health


Microb-AI-ome, Horizon Europe

04/23 - 03/28 , ca. 6M EUR, coordinator, our share: 1.3M EUR

Federated artificial intelligence for privacy-preserving international stratification of colorectal cancer patients


NetMap, German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, 
Computational Life Sciences initiative

03/23 - 02/26, ca. 925K EUR, co-PI, our share: 390K EUR

Dimensionality reduction for molecular data based on explanatory power of differential regulatory networks. Web:


PhysioAI, German Federal Ministry of Education and Research

10/22 - 09/25, ca. 450K EUR, coordinator, our share: 175K EUR

Evaluation and translation of multimodal physical activity measurement tools using artificial intelligence for the treatment of osteoarthritis 


Vir-AI-DIP, Seed Funding from Universität Hamburg's Ideas and Venture Fund to Dr.-Ing. Tanja Laske

05/22 - 09/23, ca. 50K EUR, host PI, our share: ca. 50K EUR

Fighting viral infections using artificial intelligence-enhanced defective interfering particles


TreuMed, German Federal Ministry of Education and Research

11/21 - 09/24, ca. 800K EUR, coordinator, our share ca. 200K EUR

Data custodianship for federated artificial intelligence in medicine


CLINSPECT-M, German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Center

03/20 - 02/23, ca. 5M EUR, co-PI, our share ca. 300K EUR

Clinical Mass Spectrometry Center Munich: Progress in mass-spectrometry based proteomics has taken the technology to a level where clinical application is a logical next step. This consortium brings together an outstanding team of Munich-based experts in proteomics, medicine, and informatics to perform cutting edge research on diseases of the nervous system. The goal is to drive technological innovations, meet urgent medical needs and address important societal challenges. Web:


Sys_CARE, German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, eMed Systems Medicine initiative

07/19 - 09/24, ca. 3.4M EUR, coordinator, our share: ca. 1.4M EUR

Systems Medicine Investigation of Alternative Splicing in Cardiac and Renal Diseases.



SFB924, German Research Foundation, Collaborative Research Center

10/19 - 06/23, ca. 10M EUR, co-PI, our share: ca. 300K EUR

Molecular mechanisms regulating yield and yield stability in plants


SFB1371, German Research Foundation, Collaborative Research Center

01/19 - 12/22, ca. 11M EUR, co-PI, our share: ca. 710K EUR

Unraveling microbiome signatures in animal and human health and disease


LipiTUM, Bavarian Research Institute for Digital Transformation (bidt) at the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities (BAdW), Junior Research Group of Josch Konstantin Pauling

1/19 - 12/23, ca. 1.3M EUR, host PI, our share: ca. 1.3M EUR

Our aim is to bring metabolomics and lipidomics to the playbook of systems medicine workflows for the next generation of precision medicine. Web:


Danish National Research Foundation, Center of Excellence

09/17 - 08/23, ca. 8.7M EUR, co-PI, our share: ca. 1.5M EUR

ATLAS – Center of Excellence for Functional Genomics and Tissue Plasticity (our participation and, thus, our share of funding stopped when Baumbach moved from SDU to TUM). Web:


Villum Foundation Young Investigator grant

06/16 - 05/21, ca. 1M EUR

Big Data Bioinformatics - Understanding of cellular adaptation to changing conditions controlled by biochemical signalling networks using novel algorithms facing pressing big data issues. Web:

Regio Syd.webp

Region of Southern Denmark, SDU2020

09/13 - 08/17, co-PI, ca. 500K EUR, my share ca. 200K EUR

Seed funding from the region and SDU for computational metabolic disease analysis.

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How to contact us

Institute for Computational Systems Biology

Albert-Einstein-Ring 8-10

22761 Hamburg, Germany


E-Mail: management-cosybio.zbh(at.]]

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